Peer Review Process

Literasi Kesehatan Husada: Jurnal Informasi Ilmu Kesehatan aims to provide a fast publication process through an initial assessment carried out by an editorial team consisting of members of the editorial team. The main goal is to decide whether to send a paper for peer review or reject it.

The decision to publish a paper is based on editorial judgment and peer review. Initially all papers are assessed by an editorial team consisting of members of the editorial team. The main goal is to decide whether to submit a paper for peer review and to provide a quick decision on whether not to. Such rejection is based on novelty or relevance to the scope of this journal.

Sometimes a paper will be returned to the author with a revision request in order to assist the editor in deciding whether to send it for review or not. Authors can expect a decision from this stage of the review process within 3-4 weeks of submission.

In the review process, there are at least two reviewers for each manuscript for a related topic. The assessment of the reviewers will be the main priority which will be decided by the editor, with a minimum requirement of two reviewers. The final decision to publish is made by the editor-in-chief, editorial team taking into account suggestions from reviewers. It takes three weeks for reviewers to complete one round of the review process.

All review processes are carried out by blind review and managed by the editor in our editorial system.